
Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service is a "simple storage service" offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that provides object storage through a web service interface.[

Amazon S3 can be employed to store any type of object which allows for uses like storage for Internet applications, backup and recovery, disaster recovery, data archives, data lakes for analytics, and hybrid cloud storage.[ In its service-level agreement, Amazon S3 guarantees 99.9% monthly uptime, which works out to less than 43 minutes of downtimeper month.

Using Amazon S3 services to host web pages.

At services menu search for S3

This will bring you to the S3 Menu

Hit the create bucket button to create a new S3 bucket for your account

When choosing a bucket name you need to select a unique name that can be accessible via the web in a URL

Click next and leave values at default

Finally create your bucket

Once the bucket is created we now must change the permissions to make it public

Highlight the bucket and click on edit public access settings

hit save 

And type confirm in the box to make the change to public access

The Access will now state that Object can be public

click the bucket name to access configuration

click on properties 

then select static website hosting

click on use this bucket to host a website

in the index document box
then type index.html 
then hit save

click on permissions tab
Then access control list

Click on List objects and save

Your bucket now has public access

Now we need to create an index.html file for our website

open your local editor (notepad?)

type in a page with html tags

<title>My first page</title>
<p> My first web page </p>

save the file as index.html

Note: if you are using notepad make sure save as type is All Files

go back to your S3 services page and click on link for your bucket name

Click upload

click add files

Locate the index.html file on your local computer and hit open

Once the file is selected click on the upload button

the file is ready to make public

click check box next to file to select
click the actions box above
scroll down to select Make Public

click make public

click on Object URL to access web page

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To All, If you are working in starter accounts please move the work into the classroom account so I can review. For the previous ...